6 thoughts on “Success Story Saturday: Neglected

  1. Thank you for this! I’m just getting started on taking charge and it’s little steps here and there that will make a big difference over all. I hope that message helps someone who hasn’t yet started 🙂


  2. A great reminder for me today…I have been less than financially mature and I realize it. I don’t ever balance my checkbook and I get over drafted A LOT. I don’t get hit with fees because I’m with a credit union, BUT it’s still money going to a credit card to cover the overdraft. DOH. NOT GOOD. Anyway…you are not alone, but hopefully I’m along with you in getting myself straight. Shew. This is not fun, but so worth it and YES, there are many things in my life needing more of my attention and worth paying attention to. 😉 Thank you for your encouragement!


  3. Meredith, if we must be on this ride, I’m glad you are on it with me. The hardest part of solving any problem is realizing there IS a problem. Followed closely by not beating ourselves up about it 😉 then the solutions can come. Great things are ahead! God bless!


  4. I love your reminder to pay attention to all that around us–our families, our God. How easy it can become to get up in the every day. Thanks for the reminder to stop this Sunday, to recognize the beauty looking at me today.


    • I think “being caught up in the everyday” is its own way of paying attention and sometimes it’s all we have in us. I’m in favor of being gentle with ourselves when that’s the case. But if we suddenly realize we can do better, then we should 🙂


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